The Grind, The Hell Layer, The Breakthrough
I am a little behind on the blog post yet again, but hopefully I'll be able to go through what I have encountered in the past 2 weeks of nonstop grinding, rendering the hell layer, and the breakthrough. The Grind. So, in terms of work flow, I measure everything out by hand and keep them on a piece of paper as like notes and references to look at as I'm rendering each components. Also by doing this, it's reducing time measuring each hole or component again for the later parts. Though it's easy to measure each side of it, there was one particular part that was an anomaly, thus it took an extra amount of time than usual. And here is the piece that caused the most troubles and the most amount of time rendering to accuracy. The Hell Layer. I present you a piece from the hell layer. Why do you ask the name of it? Well, This section of the camera literally consists of springs, gears, and weird organic shapes that a...