Camera Disassembly Project

For this reversed engineering assignment, wanting to challenge myself and also because I need to repair something inside, I decided to disassemble this vivitar 2000 film camera.

I managed to pick this film camera off of someone over the summer and thought it be a great idea to have a better understanding of film camera components within as well as having some sort of excuse to just take one apart.

Another thing is that the film lever for this camera is broken, and hopefully once disassembling the piece, I will find a solution as to how to fix it and perhaps 3D print that particular component.

Some things that I have planned in mind with this when disassembling is to literally document every single bolt and component to the extent that perhaps I could make an assembly manual for this particular camera.

Also by having a meticulously planned and diagram of the camera, I'll hopefully be able to reassemble it with ease and stress free as I have the tendency to just mess things up midway through projects. So might as well just make sure that I've recorded and layed out everything in rhino properly. Except I won't be touching the lense itself because Liam mentioned about the aperture shutter fans inside, and I may have not thought about it, and I don't think I want to dig my own grave again and do the lense.

Also I plan on bagging each set of screws or bolts together just to make sure I don't screw things over and just having an organized system for this would make things run smoothly and quickly.

In terms of details, I plan on making sure that every single number and words on the camera will be as accurate as possible. However if there are any parts that come with complications, I'll more or less try to find a different solution as to representing that particular bit.

If worse comes to worse, I have a different film camera and its 10 times easier to disassemble and I have already disassembled it before for cleaning, so either way I am going to do a film camera and hopefully have a nice digital model to have.


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